Archive for April, 2010

Another Member Night

It’s time for another Member’s Night! The 29th of this month (the last Thursday) we will be hosting another Member Appreciation Night. That’s right. Bring a friend, come hungry, and leave happy. We will be opening our ropes course again, so find a partner to experience the elements with. The food will arrive around 7pm, and the party will be rockin’ until 10pm. If you stopped by during Spring Break, then you saw the crowds with their book bucks. I saw something on Friday that made me appreciate our community. Three of our members were in for their usual session, and having an odd number, they decided to each take turns belaying for the general public to ease some of the lines and please our guests. Nobody asked them to do this, they just knew it would be a nice thing to do. That is why I climb here, and that is why we throw a party every other month. We appreciate you guys! You are the best asset that our gym has, and it is because of you that our gym is growing. Thursday, April 29th.

Be there!